
Lauren Seagar-Smith
For Baby's Sake Trust
Lauren Seager-Smith became Chief Executive of The For Baby’s Sake Trust in May 2023, bringing expertise and experience in leading charities through growth and development, along with a track-record as a leading advocate for children’s rights and trauma-informed, whole-family approaches.
Lauren was previously CEO of Kidscape, the charity that provides help with bullying, where she led the charity to develop its strategy and governance, expand its services and grow its income. Before then, she was National Coordinator of the Anti-Bullying Alliance.
Lauren’s record of representing sensitive and complex needs of children and families to a public audience includes extensive media experience, including press, television and radio.
Lauren holds a number of high-profile Board positions including Trustee of Children England and membership of the Action for Children England Committee. Lauren was delighted to be awarded Associate of the Institute of Responsible Leadership in recognition of her active commitment to growing leadership in the charity sector.
12-Mar-2025Data & AI for Business TheatreNavigating Data & AI's Impact Across Sectors: From Charities to Corporates